Saturday, September 21, 2019

The training needs of HCL Technologies employees

The training needs of HCL Technologies employees In a business, Human Resource is one of the disciplines which drives business for competitiveness. To achieve this training is very important. Competent employees will not remain competent forever. Their skills can deteriorate; technology may make their skills obsolete; the organization may move into new areas, changing the type of jobs that exist and the skills necessary to do them. This reality has not been overlooked by management. In order to train the employees the training need analysis is a must for enabling them to provide quality services to the customers both inside and outside .In order to assess the training needs, it is also necessary to derive the job contents and job descriptions for each category and cadre in respect of Employees working in all the Departments. An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance. WHY TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS? Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are available or not. It helps to plan the budget of the company, areas where training is required, and also highlights the occasions where training might not be appropriate but requires alternate action. Training Need arises at three levels: Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its sub group. ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of internal environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats. After doing the SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued training. Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against costs. For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company requires to be involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to be sure that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level. COMPANY PROFILE HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company, working with clients in the areas that impact and redefine the core of their businesses. Since its inception into the global landscape after its IPO in 1999, HCL focuses on transformational outsourcing, underlined by innovation and value creation, and offers integrated portfolio of services including software-led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management, engineering and RD services and BPO. HCL leverages its extensive global offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 26 countries to provide holistic, multi-service delivery in key industry verticals including Financial Services, Manufacturing, Consumer Services, Public Services and Healthcare. HCL takes pride in its philosophy of Employee First which empowers our 55,688 transformers to create a real value for the customers. HCL Technologies, along with its subsidiaries, had consolidated revenues of US$ 2.5 billion (Rs. 11,822 crores), as on 21st December 2009 (on L TM basis). HCL is a $5 billion leading global technology and IT enterprise comprising two companies listed in India HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. Founded in 1976, HCL is one of Indias original IT garage start-ups. A pioneer of modern computing, HCL is a global transformational enterprise today. Its range of offerings includes product engineering, custom package applications, BPO, IT infrastructure services, IT hardware, systems integration, and distribution of information and communications technology (ICT) products across a wide range of focused industry verticals. The HCL team consists of over 62,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, who operate from 26 countries including over 500 points of presence in India. HCL has partnerships with several leading Global 1000 firms, including leading IT and Technology firms. While HCL Enterprise has a 20-year history, HCL Technologies is a relatively young company formed, nine years ago, in 1998. During this period, HCL has built unique st rengths in IT applications (custom applications for industry solutions and package implementation), IT infrastructure management and business process outsourcing, while maintaining and extending its leadership in product engineering. HCL has also built domain depth through a micro-verticalization strategy in industries such as Financial Services, Hi-tech and Manufacturing, Retail, Media and Entertainment, Life Sciences, and Telecom. HCL has created the ability to distribute value across the customers IT landscape through its well-distributed services portfolio, significant domain strengths, and locally relevant geographic distribution. HCL has the widest service portfolio among Indian IT service providers, with each of its services having attained critical mass. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To study the training needs of the employees in order to increase the number of competent person and retain them in the organization. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: To bridge the gap between the actual and expected performance and behavior. To attain the level of performance this leads to the fulfillment of objectives. To increase the level of motivation among the employees in the organization. To develop their skills in interpersonal group communication. To develop potential knowledge and skills of the trainees to carry out defined tasks and responsibility. To assists in removing mental blocks, dispelling those doubts or misconceptions that may be preventing a participant from realizing the full range of his potential. NEED FOR THE STUDY We can identify several positive results that accrue from a well designed training program. Training efforts are consistent with and a natural extension of human resource planning. An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance. Training need also develops the employee friendly work environment with high learning curve and leadership mentoring. Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are available or not. It helps to plan the budget of the company, areas where training is required, and also highlights the occasions where training might not be appropriate but requires alternate action. The need for training mainly to retain and promote employee who are strategic to the companies success. It leads to a strong sense of direction coupled with responsibility boosts motivational level and hence performance. The objective of this assessment is not that of selecting future promotes, but rather to help employees to improve their skills to achieve their performance. SCOPE OF THE STUDY To know the reasons for non-performance of employees. To create a platform for employees to fill the gaps in knowledge, competency, skill and experience. To create an opportunity for employees to interact with each other apart from job purposes. To consider as a change agent since management objectives are conveyed to the employees throughout the organization. To help in strengthening the team spirit. To help in applying knowledge, developing core competencies, and reducing work load. To help in developing focused and inspired staff. To know about the number of competent person and retain them in the organization. To know about employee satisfaction. To know about the growth opportunities of employee. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY It is not possible to conduct the perfect study because every study has its own limitations. Limitations of the study allow us to know, to what extent the findings can be generalized. In our study some of the limitations are: The study is limited to some particular unit of HCL. It is difficult to know whether the respondents opinion is exactly genuine as people perception may change from time to time. Since the study was during the time period of February 2010 TO March 2010, the findings may remain true for a certain period, after which it may not be applicable. Time was the main constrain. The research has to be completed within the stipulated time limit. Some information cannot be accessed due to its confidential nature. The employees are replied in a random number. 2.2 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABLE NO: 2.2.1 TABLE INDICATING AGE COMPOSITION OF THE RESPONDENTS OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 7 6 25-25 25 29 26-45 44 27 >45 24 28 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: The above table shows that 6% of respondents are below 25, 29% of respondents are between 25-25, 27% of respondents are between 26-45 and 28% of respondents are above 45. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that majority of the respondents are between the age group of 26-45. FIGURE NO: 2.2.1 TABLE NO: 2.2.2 TABLE INDICATING GENDER COMPOSITION OF THE RESPONDENTS OPTIONS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Male 109 91 female 11 9 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: The above table shows that 91% of the respondents are male and 9% of the respondents are female. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that majority of the respondents are male. FIGURE NO: 2.2.2 TABLE NO: 2.2.2 TABLE INDICATING THE WORK EXPERIENCE OF THE RESPONDENTS OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 40 22 5 to 10 25 29 11 to 20 22 19 >20 22 19 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: It is found that 22% of the respondents are below 5years of experience, 29% of the respondents are 5-10 years of experience, 19% of the respondents are 11-15 years of experience and 19% are above 20 years of experience. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is found that majority of the respondents are having below 5 years experience. FIGURE NO: 2.2.2 TABLE NO: 2.2.4 TABLE INDICATING THE DESIGNATION OF THE RESPONDENTS OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Senior officer 22 19% Manager 24 28% Deputy manager 20 25% Assistant manager 22 28% Total 120 100 FINDINGS: The above table shows that 19% of the respondents are senior officer and 28% of the respondents are manager, 25% of the respondents are deputy manager and 28% of the respondents are assistant manager. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that majority of the respondents are manager and assistant manager in the organization. FIGURE NO: 2.2.4 TABLE NO: 2.2.5 TABLE INDICATING THE TYPE OF TRAINING PROGRAMME PROVIDED TO EXECUTIVES OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Class room training 89 74 Simulation exercises 5 4 Workshops and seminars 10 9 E-learning 11 9 Under study assignments 5 4 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: The above table shows that 74% of respondents are of opinion that class room training are provided to them during their training, 4% of the respondents referred simulation exercises are provided, 9% of the respondents referred workshops and seminars are provided, 9% of the respondents referred E- learning are provided and 4% of the respondents referred under study assignments are provided during their training programme.. INFERENCE: From the above findings it is inferred that majority of respondents referred class room training methods is provided to them during their training programme. FIGURE NO: 2.2.5 TABLE NO: 2.2.6 TABLE INDICATING THE INITIATOR OF TRAINING PROGRAMME IN THE ORGANISATION OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Supervisor 15 12 Employees 5 4 HR Department 92 77 External consultants 1 1 If others 7 5 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: From the above table it is found that 12% of the executives identified that their supervisor initiates the training programme, 4% of the executives identified that they themselves initiates the training programme, 77% of the executives identified that the HR department initiates the training programme, 1% executive identified that external consultant initiates the training programme,5% of the executives identified that other person will initiates the training in the organization. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that 77% of the executives identified that the HR department initiates the training programme in the organization. FIGURE NO: 2.2.6 TABLE NO: 2.2.7 TABLE INDICATING THE TYPE OF VISUAL AIDS USED IN TRAINING PROGRAMME OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Overhead projector transparencies 40 22 Board 20 17 Flip charts 5 4 Hand outs 6 5 Power point presentations 49 41 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: From the above table it is found that 22% of the respondents referred over head projectors are used in their training, 17% of the respondents referred boards are used as the visual aids in their training, 4% of the respondents referred flip charts are used in the training,5% of the respondents referred handouts are used in their training, 41% of the respondents referred power point presentations are used as the visual aids in their training INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that 41% of the respondents referred power point presentations are used as the visual aids in their training programme. FIGURE NO: 2.2.7 TABLE NO: 2.2.8 TABLE INDICATING THE EXTERNAL TRAINING PROGRAMME PROVIDED IN THE ORGANISATION OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Yes 116 97 No 4 2 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: The above table shows that 97% of respondents are of opinion that external training programme provided in the organization,2% of the respondents are of opinion that they are not accepting that statement.. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that 97% of the respondents say that the external training programme are provided to them in the organization. FIGURE NO: 2.2.8 INTERVAL ESTIMATION: CALCULATION: NEED FOR TEST: To find out whether any external training programme had provided to executives. Let p be the total no: of responses yes Let q be the total no: of responses No p===0.96 q=1-p=0.04 n=120 At 95% level of confidence z=1.96 CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at 95% confidence level of population proportion of external training programme provided in the organization and it lies between 0.85 and 0.995 that is 85% to 95%. TABLE NO: 2.2.9 TABLE INDICATING EFFECTIVE FACTOR OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMME OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Yes 116 97 No 4 2 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: From the above table it is found that 97% of the employees are of opinion that the training programme was found effective, 2% of the respondents are of opinion that they are not accepting that statement. INFERENCES: From the above findings it is inferred that 97% of the respondents say that training programme was found effective in the organization.. FIGURE NO: 2.2.9 INTERVAL ESTIMATION: CALCULATION: NEED FOR TEST: To find out whether the training programme was effective Ho: The training programme does not found effective. H1: The training programme found effective. Let p be the total no: of responses yes Let q be the total no: of responses No p===0.96 q=1-p=0.04 n=120 At 95% level of confidence z=1.96 CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at 95% confidence level of population proportion the training programme was found effective and lies between 0.85 and 0.995 that is 85% to 95%. TABLE NO: 2.2.10 TABLE INDICATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMME OPTIONS NO OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS Very high 28 22 High 60 50 Neither high nor low 20 25 Low 2 2 Very low 0 0 Total 120 100 FINDINGS: It is found that 22% of the respondents have very high level of expectations in the effectiveness of the training programme, 50% of the respondents have high level of expectations in the effectiveness of the training, 25% of the respondents have neither high nor low level of expectations in the effectiveness of the training, 2% of the respondents have low level of expectations in the effectiveness of the training programme. INFERENCES: it is inferred that 50% of the respondents have high level of expectations in the effectiveness of the training programme. FIGURE NO: 2.2.10 CALCULATION SHOWING PEARSONS CORRELATION TEST (Between effectiveness and satisfaction in the training programme) {Combining Table No 2.2.10and Table No.2.2.16} EFFECTIVENESS (X) SATISFACTION (Y) X2 Y2 XY 28 7 784 49 196 60 94 2600 8826 5640 20 16 900 256 480 2 2 4 9 6 X = 120 Y= 120 XY = 5288 X2 = 9150 Y2 =6222 Pearsons correlation coefficient(r) = = 0.886 r = 0.886 r value is positive and nearer to 1 FINDINGS: From the above table it is found that 50% of respondents feel the training was effective. INFERENCE: It is inferred that there exists high degree of relationship between effectiveness and satisfaction in the training programme. FINDINGS From the study it is found that majority of the respondent i.e.) 27% of the respondents have age composition of 26 to 45. From the present study it is found that the majority of respondents working in the organization i.e.) 91% of them are male. From the study it is found that majority of the respondents are having below 5 years experience in the organization. From the present study it is inferred that majority of the respondents are manager and assistant manager in the organization. From the study it is found that the most recent training programme attended by the respondents are information security, corporate etiquette, service training, six sigma and team building. 74% of the respondents have responded that the organization is providing class room training methods during training programme. It is found that 77% of the executives identified that the HR department initiates the training programme in the organization. From the present study it is found that 41% of the respondents referred power point presentations are used as the visual aids in their training programme. It is found that 97% of the respondents say that the external training programmes are provided to them in the organization. SUGGESTIONS Job rotation method of training is very useful to the executive persons for understanding job linkage with varied skills. Programmed instructions seminars will increase the knowledge of the executives Behavioural training programs like role playing are necessary to improve the psychological fitness of the executives so as to face any kind of problem at any stage. Some additional reinforcement programs can be conducted to chisel the skills of the executives to remain competent enough to face the challenges of the changing technological, social environmental factors. Training programs, which are necessary to improve the ethical values moral values of the executives should be conducted. Field study exposure to customers working place will be helpful for executives to improve their performance. Training programme should be conducted in a periodical manner and updations of our technical and on the job training is necessary for better performance and improves our efficiency. CONCLUSION In recent years, the important and role of training and development has increased manifold. More and more use of training and development is being made by all sections of the organization .These training programme has become a part of human resource development. Training is one of the main activities which change the behaviour of the people. Training has become essential part not only to increase the productivity but also to motivate and inspire workers. It increases the skills of the persons at all levels of the organization. Human resources are the life blood of any organization .This can be achieved through well trained personnel The training programme increases the performance of the members in the organization. It also increases the human relation skills. It also helps to stimulate creative thinking. Training plays a vital role in the organization performance. The training programme conducted by Berger Paints India LimitedIndia are satisfactory but still it should keep on conducting the training programme to the executives which will generate interest and create innovative ideas to take part in the training programme and in improving their knowledge skills along with their personality development. The training programme should be frequently conducted so as to improve efficiency of executives in the organization. Training leads to increase in morale among executives, better human relations, reduced supervisions, increased organizational viability and resilience, advancement in technology. Training need analysis arises because of the market slow down and executives attrition rate. 2.6 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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